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About Us

Welcome! Find out more about our history and our goals


D. M. P. NIRMAN PRIVATE LIMITED, registered under the Companies Act, 1956 in April 1994, was previously known as M/s. D. M. P. CONSTRUCTION, a partnership firm formed way back in the year 1988, with the objective to pursue the business of accepting and executing contracts.


Subsequently, in order to cope up with steady increase in business volume every year and to have better workability, the partners decided to convert the firm into a Private Limited Company. Thus D. M. P. NIRMAN PRIVATE LIMITED was born in April, 1994.


With the well-earned support, trust and good-will of all of our most valued clients, the Company has been able to achieved substantial growth in its business turn over every year, steadily from only ₹22.84 lacs in 1988, up to ₹101.17 crores in 2018-19.



  1. To satisfy the requirements of our most valued customers who appreciate superior quality construction within their budgeted cost and time parameters.

  2. To provide employment to qualified, yet unemployed youth while creating employment opportunities for large numbers of skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled persons available in the country. With this objective the four partners of the erstwhile partnership firm had started this business and now by their sincere, hard and honest efforts the D. M. P. NIRMAN PRIVATE LIMITED now provides employment to about 120 qualified and experienced personnel.

  3. To establish ourselves as a most capable and distinguished organization in the domestic as well as international construction industry and contribute to the developmental activities of our nation.


Needless to state, the contract works accepted by the Company are executed within the shortest possible time and to the utmost satisfaction of the Employers /end users /owners. The directors are confident to uplift the volume of business while fulfilling the above objectives.


With the objectives set forth as above, the company has also incorporated its own design wing and looks forward to receiving active co-operation and assistance in the form of business from well-established renowned industrialists and government / semi-government organizations.



Mr. Syed Mortuza Ali

Managing Director

Mr. Manash Roychowdhury


Mr. Debashish Sengupta


Mr. Parameshwar Palai


Our Clients

Almatis Logo
PWD West Bengal Logo
KMDA logo
The Peerless Inn logo
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